november 30, 2023
KGC regions extends agreement regarding support and maintenance of the electronic health record system Cambio COSMIC
The agreement between the regions within Client group Cosmic (KGC) and Cambio Healthcare Systems AB (Cambio) regarding support and maintenance of the electronic health record system Cambio COSMIC (Cosmic) is extended, starting on 1 January 2024. The agreement runs for five years, with the possibility of extension for a further three years.
KGC consists of eight regions and the privately owned Capio St. Göran’s hospital, each of which has individually chosen Cosmic as its electronic health record system. KGC was formed in 2007 to give the regions and Capio S:t Göran the conditions to, in cooperation with Cambio, create a joint direction for the development of Cosmic.
We are happy and proud of the continued trust from the regions within Client group Cosmic. We work together to improve the opportunities for healthcare providers, staff and patients through digital systems that give staff a reliable support in their daily work and enable a more patient-focused healthcare. We now look forward to continuing the important work together with the regions, says Rami Avidan, CEO of Cambio.
Through KGC, we have a good collaboration with Cambio regarding our electronic health record system Cambio COSMIC. By extending the agreement, we ensure the continuity of our collaboration and can continue the work of developing healthcare with Cosmic as support for our employees. A well-functioning electronic health record system is a prerequisite for us to offer our patients healthcare with good accessibility, high quality and engagement, says Anders Bernholtz, Chairman of Client group Cosmic.
KGC – Client group Cosmic consists of:
- Region Jämtland Härjedalen
- Region Jönköpings Län
- Region Kalmar Län
- Region Kronoberg
- Region Uppsala
- Region Värmland
- Region Västmanland
- Region Östergötland
- Capio S:t Göran’s hospital